“Traffic is Awesome”, said Nobody ever. Did you know that you can change the situation of traffic? I will teach you how to clear traffic and show you real-life pictures and a video of the evidence.
The Story
I love manifesting and trying new things to manifest. I was at work and dreading the ride home knowing I would have to be involved in the traffic going over our major city’s bridge on the interstate. To give you an example, the featured picture on this blog is a true picture of this bridge. This bridge is always backed up with standstill traffic.
Therefor, I decided that I would do some manifesting. I had an idea to manifest the traffic to be “flowing”. However, I did not think that I was powerful enough to absolutely clear the roads, so I said to myself, “There is no traffic. The flow of traffic is good”.
The Steps I took to Clear the Traffic
- While at work, I looked on the WAZE traffic app to see what the traffic looked like. Sure enough, it was solid red indicating traffic. The app said, “Standstill traffic”.
- In my imagination, I looked at the bridge and said to myself, “there is no traffic. The flow of traffic is good.”
- I knew from my “Evaporating Clouds” technique that it takes a few minutes for a manifestation to take place. So, I decided to get gas on the way to the bridge to give the manifestation some time to manifest. (Click the link above to watch a video of me evaporating a cloud in 01:33 mins in real-time).
- I left work and drove to the gas station. I then opened my WAZE app to check the traffic again. It was still a little red with traffic, but flowing at 40mph.
- I continued in my thoughts that the bridge was clear and/or flowing.
- I left the gas station and when I arrived on the bridge, the traffic was gone! Everything was flowing nicely.
Specific Techniques Used to Clear the Traffic
- Visualization– Visualize what you want. ( I wanted clear/ flowing traffic).
- Inner Conversation– Speak what you want. ( I said, “There is no traffic. The flow of traffic is good.”)
- Persist in the assumption– Continue in your thoughts what you are assuming. Do not move from your assumption. Stay the course. Give things “time” to manifest. 3D physical reality has to catch up to your 4D imagination. There is always a given “time” delay for manifestation.
- Manifestation Hardened into Fact. – Doing this technique hardened my manifestation into a real-life fact. (From standstill traffic to no traffic and everything flowing nicely.)
The Time it Took for Manifesting Clear Flowing Traffic
It took about 21 mins to clear the traffic to a nice flow. Below are the Screenshot pictures I took from the Waze app. Notice the time stamp on the pictures.
Waze picture taken at work of the standstill traffic:

Waze picture taken at the gas station showing flowing traffic 40 mph:

A quick video of me driving on the bridge with no traffic:
Where did all of the cars go? lol
Furthermore, if you know anything about standstill traffic during peak hours, you know you are not getting clear or flowing roads in 21 mins. It takes a manifestation to bring this about.
In conclusion, circumstances don’t matter, you can change anything you desire. That is if you put your mind to it and stay persistent. ( Click the link to find more on circumstances don’t matter). In continuation, to manifest anything, use the basic practices: Visualization in imagination, inner conversations, persist in the assumption, and give it time to harden into fact. You too, can clear or make the traffic flow. Just practice those steps and believe in yourself. You can do it! Have fun and try it!
To learn more Law of Assumption and manifesting, check out my whole webpage at www.imaginingworks.com.