You never know who is using the Law of Assumption consciously or unconsciously, but the Law of Assumption is always working. Looking back, Barbara Corcoran using Neville Goddard techniques and the Law of Assumption was a great success throughout her life.
She had a desire and goal to become the Queen of New York Real Estate. With this dream she held in her heart, she walked the streets with her real coat feeling confident and successful. During the time of her success, she also vividly imagined having a specific penthouse in Manhattan and a beach house. When important matters came up she trusted and communed within her own soul. While in a court battle she assumed the position of victory and persevered. Lets unfold this story!
Barbara Saw the Bigger Picture- Queen of N.Y. Real Estate
Barbara Corcoran didn’t do well in school when she was younger. Her grades suffered because of dyslexia, which she wasn’t fully aware she had until her son began to have trouble in school in a similar nature.
Some say, dyslexics, who tend not to be good at details, learn to excel by grasping the bigger picture and producing original ideas. She saw a bigger picture and took off with her dream. She imagined being the Queen of New York Real Estate.
“A lot of people think you have to have a lot of knowledge to start a business,” she said. “I had something far more important than that — I had a dream. I had a clear image of who I wanted to be: I wanted to be the queen of New York real estate.”
“The world was owned by the old boys, rich guys that had inherited their businesses from their father and their father before,” said Corcoran. “But somehow in my little mind I thought, ‘I’m going to be the queen of this town in real estate.’ And I moved toward it and moved toward it until one day I was written up in New York magazine, and they called me ‘the queen of New York real estate.’”
Ms. Corcoran said she envisioned herself being the Queen of N.Y. Real Estate. Barbara Corcoran used Neville Goddard’s techniques by envisioning herself as the queen.

Barbara Corcoran used Neville Goddard’s techniques by Wearing the Coat of Confidence and Success- One of Neville’s Techniques
Barbara walked the streets for years wearing a special coat that gave her the mood of confidence and feeling successful. After renting an apartment to a customer during her first week in business, Corcoran took her $340 commission check and went to Bergdorf’s and bought herself a nice coat.

“The lesson I learned, and I never forgot, was that perception creates reality, not the other way around. You’ve got to look the part of who you want to become,” Barbara Corcoran
This goes along with what Neville Goddard says about wearing a garment to help become who you want to be.
Here are 2 clips from Neville Goddard’s lectures about wearing a mood or feeling. You put on the feeling of the wish fulfilled and wear it daily until it feels like a natural part of you.
“It’s only a desire, you say, but you fall in love with it. You may not really be interested in the ultimate at the moment; the hunger is not upon you. That thirst for God may not be upon you, but it could be a thirst for something in the world of Caesar. All right, so you take it from there, and you move right into it, and wear it just as you would wear a suit of clothes and make it natural. As it becomes natural it’s going to personify itself, externalize itself on the screen of space, and you will bear witness to the fact that this is how it works. It actually works in a simple way.
That man knows what he wants to be, reason tells him he can’t be it, his senses deny it, he dares to use his Imagination and assumes that he is it. His reason now denies his assumption, but his assumption if persisted in hardens into fact.”
Neville Goddard Lectures: “Man is Soul and Body is Emanation”
“That’s a mood. If you haven’t read that chapter, it’s the chapter called “Moods” in The Law and The Promise. You catch a mood…and what would the feeling be like were it true? Well, then ask yourself the question, “Suppose I had so and so, well, what would the feeling be like if it were true?”
Then you catch the feeling and you put on that feeling as you would wear a suit of clothes. You know, if you really put on a new hat for the first time, you think nobody knows it’s new, but you think that everyone knows it and you feel uncomfortable in that hat until you wear it.
Well, the feeling of affluence when you don’t know what it is, is so new a feeling that you feel just as uncomfortable in that feeling as you do with a new suit on. You walk down the street…and a man buys a new suit for the first time, he has to walk around in it for a little while, and he actually has the mood that everyone knows it’s new. He feels uncomfortable in that new suit until he breaks it in, like a pair of new shoes. Nobody really knows or cares if you have a new suit, but you care and you know, and you wear it until it seems natural.
Well, you wear a mood until it seems natural, and when it seems natural it has taken root, and it will grow and bear fruit in your world. So these are the moods. You can make a mood very natural in a little while. But you must wear it.”
Neville Goddard Lectures: “Be Master of the Mood”

Barbara Corcoran Using Neville Goddard Techniques by Imagining Owning a Specific Penthouse in Manhattan
Barbara Imagined having a Specific Penthouse in Manhattan.
“Years ago I was trying to get my old business, the Corcoran Group, through some hard times, so I took a second job as a messenger. I was delivering an envelope to the woman who lived here, and when she opened the door off the elevator, I saw that terrace,” she says, pointing to her enviable outdoor space with views across Central Park.” I said, ‘Excuse me, ma’am, but if you ever sell this place, will you call me first?’”
23 years later she got the call. Click this link for the whole story.
Here are some other picture clips of Barbara being asked about whether if relationships matter when you are trying to get premium real estate. She says dreams and imagining matter more.

“The Corcoran Report taught me one of the most important lessons in business: Perception creates reality. If you can create the image that you’re bigger, fancier, and greater than you are, the reality will follow.”
Barbara Corcoran
Barbara Corcoran used Neville Goddard’s techniques by Imagining Having a Beach House
Barbara Corcoran Using Neville Goddard Techniques by Communing With Herself in Important Matters
Barbara goes within instead of talking with others about important matters. She says she goes to her soul.

‘Be silent as you commune with self, you don’t commune with another.” Neville Goddard

Not to spoil the whole video, you can watch the video in its entirety here.
To learn more about Law of Assumption click the link.