In order to change the circumstances of your life, you will need to transform yourself. Transforming yourself will change the “concept” of your being and this is exactly what needs to take place. Excitedly, this new concept will indeed change the circumstances of your life. It is guaranteed your whole outside world will reshape from this new inner you. Your world is a reflection of your self concept. Let’s unpack this study.
Neville Goddard says,
“My mystical experiences have convinced
Neville Goddard, The Search
me that there is no way to bring about the
outer perfection we seek other than by the
transformation of ourselves. As soon as we
succeed in transforming ourselves, the
world will melt magically before our eyes
and reshape itself in harmony with that
which our transformation affirms.”
“Because life molds the outer world to
Neville Goddard, The Search
reflect the inner arrangement of our minds,
there is no way of bringing about the outer
perfection we seek other than by the
transformation of ourselves.”

Part 1: You are Justified by Your very Being
With this in mind, you are justified by your own very inner being. What you are thinking, feeling, and being will be reflected out into your outer world. The whole outside world is you pushed out. All of its things, people, and situations are all reflections of your opinions or assumptions.
It is law that what is in the inside of you will be mirrored on the outside. Your natural self as you walk, think, feel, and have inner conversations with yourself, will be given to you on the outside again and again until you transform yourself. Your inner nature, will be casted/shined out of you onto the screen of your outer living space. It is the justified law in you. What is natural for you will be natural on the outside of you. Your being is equally justified inside and out. Your world is you pushed out.
“We can rely absolutely on the
justice of this law to give us only that which
is of the nature of ourselves.”
Breaking a Mirror does not Transform Yourself
To clarify, to change yourself, do not makes changes on the outside or yell at others for their misconduct. Making changes on the outside will only result in surface changes that will fade quickly. The deep rooted causes are imbedded in the conscious and subconscious mind (in your inner being). Your subconscious mind will always fall back onto what is true of your inner nature and manifest what is still there.
So, making outer changes, will only be temporary. Like breaking a mirror to change the face. Doing this, will only change the “mirror face”, the true natural face stays the same. If you want to make a change, you have to change your opinions, assumptions, ideas, concept of things, inner conversations, what you believe is true, etc.

“To attempt to change the world before we
Neville Goddard, The Search
change our concept of ourselves is to
struggle against the nature of things. There
can be no outer change until there is first
an inner change. As within, so without.”
Everything we do,
unaccompanied by a change of
consciousness, is but futile readjustment of
surfaces. However, we toil or struggle, we
can receive no more than our subconscious assumptions affirm.
You must make a conscious change on the inside.

There is no Protest
You can not protest, argue, or be mad at anything that happens to you because you will be protesting, arguing, or being mad at what is in your own being. The outside world is only giving you what is inside of you and what you are ruling in your own destiny.
Listen, you are ruling your own destiny by your assumptions, opinions, arguments you have in your mind, your inner conversations, your habits, your thinking, feeling a certain way about things, your reactions, and beliefs. All of this rules your destiny. All of these thoughts will manifest in your life again and again until you make a change. When you protest, you are protesting against your own inner BEing.
YOU STOP being like that! You Stop saying they are doing things. They will continue to do those things because you continue to say they do! For example, you say, “they always leave the light on!” Yep, they sure will because you keep saying they do. Or you believe that they “always” do.
You are the ruler ruling. Ruling your own destiny by what you say, think, your opinions, assumptions, the “facts” that you believe to be true etc . You are protesting and ruling against your own life. Wink!
“To protest
Neville Goddard, The Search
against anything which happens to us is to
protest against the law of our being and our
rulership over our own destiny.”
Be Mindful of Your Moods to Transform Yourself
Changing your mood or your state will not transform you. States or moods change with the wind. You can go back and forth on your states/ moods. Not until you consciously stick with a mood or state of being will it ever change or transform you. You have to habitually wear the mood or state until it becomes natural to you.
At times, you will have to put up your dukes and stand firm in a state when life throws you lemons. Be like a tree in a storm and bend, but do not fall. It is ok to bend and be flexible, but do not break. Keep standing in the new truth of what you want to be transformed in. When you can be stable and centered minded in this new state you have habitually formed and not be bothered by the opposite, you have been transformed.
In truth, it is the habitual thinking state of mind that becomes you. You are now identified as this new state of being.
Neville says it this way,
“… as we pass from one state
Neville Goddard, The Search
to another, are not transformations,
because each of them is so rapidly
succeeded by another in the reverse
direction; but whenever one state grows so
stable as to definitely expel its rivals, then
that central habitual state defines the
character and is a true transformation. To
say that we are transformed means that
ideas previously peripheral in our
consciousness now take a central place
and form the habitual center of our energy.”
Part 2: More Ways to Transform Yourself

Love and War, Choose Love
Always choose love over dislike. Love is the fastest way to transform and make a change. What you contemplate or keep thinking on will manifest and keep on manifesting as long as you keep thinking about it. So, think on lovely things, think on what is good for you and others, think of what you would rather see.
Love and hate have a magical transforming
Neville Goddard, The Search
power, and we grow through their exercise
into the likeness of what we contemplate.
If you must, make an imaginal scene of the desirable outcome you would prefer to have. Let this new scene or idea manifest before your eyes. Doing this frees you from the old unwanted state.
“By intensity of hatred we create in
ourselves the character we imagine in our
enemies. Qualities die for want of attention,
so the unlovely states might best be rubbed
out by imagining “beauty for ashes and joy
for mourning” rather than by direct attacks
on the state from which we would be free.”
Examples to Think on to Transform Yourself:
Neville said, “By intensity of hatred we create in
ourselves the character we imagine in our
enemies”. He is saying, what we hate in ourselves will be manifested in others.
For example, you hate the sound of sliding slippers/flip flops. A character will manifest before you walking sliding their slippers. Or if you hate when someone drives slow, you will be faced with slow drivers.
In order to stop this ruckus, you must transform yourself to love or be ok with what you dislike. Find ways to turn the negative into a positive.
To change the slipper example, you can appreciate and think on that you can hear with your ears. For the the slow drivers, you can appreciate and think on being able to relax.
Once you turn your attention to the good, you will no longer have a negative reaction to it or it might not even show up anymore. This takes practice and you may have to do this several times for it to sink in.
This is transforming yourself into a better state of mind. Removing the self concept of being someone WHO dislikes the sound of sliding slippers or slow drivers. You are replacing the negative with a positive.

Transforming the Poverty Mind to Wealth
- Wealth- Recognize your wealth in the simple things like finding coins and getting cash back on items. You are wealthy because money comes to you.
- Prosperity- Noticing your “flourish”. Things coming to you like food, items, kindness. You are prosperous.
- Abundance- Having a lot of _____. See the abundance in things all around you.
- Rich- Find and notice the fullness feeling in you. Find the comfort feelings in you. Notice what you do have. Just like you may be rich in love or independence; you can be rich in having money. Imagine yourself in the richness or fullness of things.
- Millions- When you see millions of anything, feel the energy of the many of what it is. For example, there are so many leaves on trees-absorb the many leaves feeling. This develops the feeling of having much- “millions”. Feel the energy of the millions.
- Success- When you see successful restaurants, companies, or people, feel the energy of success and bring that energy into you. Remember, seeing it is a reflection of you. Absorb the energy of successful people and businesses. You can even link it up spiritually to something you are lacking. For instance, a success business like Amazon linked up to your business. Let it hold hands equally spiritually to share or help the energy flow to your business and become successful.
- Thankful- Be grateful for things you have. For example, a blanket can give off a lot of blessings- comfort, warmth, ball it up to make a pillow if you want, it can cover you and a friend, use it in between two objects to protect scratching, etc. Find the blessings in everything. One thing can have many blessings, so be thankful.

Saturate Yourself in the Energies of Your Desire
Furthermore, when you see something that you like, saturate yourself inside and out using your sense of smell, touch, hearing, and feeling of what it is you would also like in your world. Embody, embrace, draw to you, fill yourself up with what you want. Do a full embodiment inside and out of the desire. BEcome it. For instance, Neville’s brother smelled and saturated himself in the smell of what he presumed is success: the odor of his business. This could be the smell of a donut shop, the smell from a business’ grill, or seeing a full parking lot. Feel the joy or fullness of a successful business. Use your senses to saturate. Enjoy and become it.
This is what Neville said,
“Everything has an odor. My brother Victor is a successful businessman. When I questioned him about his success, he said: “I love the odor of business. When I open the store in the morning, I love the smell emitting there.”
Neville Goddard, The State of Vision
“One night a lady decided to test me by embracing a huge bouquet of roses. She caught the aroma of the rose and completely saturated herself with it, then she dropped the thought. This lady lived in the Waldorf Towers, and when she returned to her room the following evening she discovered three dozen roses had been placed there.”
Neville Goddard, The Ultimate Sense
Keeping With the Energies
Lastly, you can think on things like the Las Vegas strip. It is popular, successful, money flowing, thriving, grand, prosperous, and well known.
Or you can think of Chemical Refineries making product, pushing production, wealth, job opportunities, etc. Absorb or saturate yourself in this kind wealth energy.
Even more, you can drive on a busy street in your town and feel the energy of all the successful businesses. Be happy for them and absorb their successful energy.
Do for Others What You Want Done for Yourself
If you see a struggling business, bless them by thinking prosperity, wealth, and success for them. See them as striving and thriving! The man on the side of the road selling home grown fruits and vegetables, see him as making great profit.
Do unto others, what you would want done for you.

Conclusion to Transforming Yourself
In conclusion, there are many ways to transform yourself. Be mindful to put some of these ideas into practice. You never know what your outer world will reveal about you.
For more study, listen to this video lecture of Neville Goddard, “Rearrange Your Mind”.
You can also read my article, “How to get Freedom using the Perfect Law of Liberty”.