Are you looking for a collection of Neville Goddard’s archives? Ice Blue Zen, Audio Enlightenment, and Cool Wisdom Books have compiled a vast amount of Neville Goddard’s Archives in their websites. In their site, you will find a library of Neville’s video/audio lectures, read out loud lectures, and books. Below, I have included 4 links to this marvelous array of information just for you.

1. Video/audio lectures, click this link:
2. Neville’s text lectures:
3. Audio Enlightenment for text read out loud.
4. Cool Wisdom Books has a massive archive collection. You should check it out. It is amazing!

One Quick Technique from Neville Goddard’s Archives: Climb the Ladder
“Climb the ladder” is a famous technique of Neville’s. It is one of Neville’s exercises to prove that imagination creates reality. This experiment is mentioned in two of his books, “Law and the Promise” and “Consciousness is the only Reality”. He says in a sleepy state to imagine yourself climbing a ladder. Seeing your imaginary hands and feeling yourself climb to the top of the ladder and coming back down. Repeating this again until you feel it natural that you climbed the ladder.
Furthermore, in his book, “The Law and the Promise”, he mentions this same technique and to also write notes saying, “I will not climb the ladder.” This technique proves that your imagination will over power written notes.

Here is an excerpt of Neville mentioning the Ladder technique:
The difference will be appreciated if you will now visualize yourself climbing a ladder. Then, with eyelids closed imagine that a ladder is right in front of you and FEEL YOURSELF ACTUALLY CLIMBING IT.
Experience has taught me to restrict the imaginary action which implies fulfillment of the desire, to condense the idea into a single act, and to re-enact it over and over again until it has the feeling of reality.
Neville Goddard

For more learning on Law of Assumption and success stories, Imagining Works is the place.
Find the link here: