Do you have a desire to manifest money? I want to show you my real life Facebook posts of me manifesting money and how I did it. I will explain how I did each one. At the end, you will find the 5 common denominators in manifesting money. See if you can figure them out as you read. I bet you can!
Manifesting Money in Cryptocurrency
My very first money manifestation was in cryptocurrency. Actually, I was very new to crypto and just playing around with it. Heck, I only put in $1,500 and I didn’t expect to make a bunch of money.
I had just learned about making intensions when praying and visualizing. To try this out, I had made an intention to have my crypto increase and to also make $10,000 somewhere. While doing this, I had money on my mind and Visualizing that I had $10,000.
Well, lo and behold, I checked my crypto and saw $10,465.61. I was astonished! I did not expect my crypto to increase that much nor did I think that my $10,000 would come from crypto. It actually went up to $12,000 and then to $17,000. I did not screenshot the $17,000.
Here are the screenshots..

You can see the dates and the time on these 2 screenshots below.

Manifested Money by Watching Liz Hobby Count $4,000 on a Facebook Post
Furthermore, Liz posted a FB post of her counting money at a table in first person point of view. I was watching her as if it was me counting the money. I would feel and be mindful of her flipping the bills around to make the heads facing the correct way as if it was me doing the flipping. I felt myself in this video counting the money, stacking, and counting the stacks.
After watching the video and counting the $4,000, I had in mind of having the $4,000. Sometime later, I wound up going to the bank and transferring $4,000 to another bank of mine. I had $4,000 in my lap. This was the first time after watching her video that I manifested money. The $4,000 I had in my lap matched the amount in the video perfectly.

So, here is the thing… we must visualize HAVING it ALREADY. So, I did do it right. I really already had it. LOL Neville and the bible both state that we must believe we ALREADY HAVE IT AND IT WILL BE OURS. So, my manifestation came true and was right on target. You never know how and what you will be doing when the visual scene appears. I had the $4,000 in my lap and I was transferring it to my other bank.
Manifested Money in My Purse
Moreover, I watch the video again going bigger and said to myself, “I have $6-8,000 in my purse”. This was actually intended. I was a little bit more exact on this manifestation.
I intended $6-8,000 and I included my purse.
I would watch Liz’s counting money video, do affirmations, and visualize my purse HAVING $6-8,000 in it. I kept visualizing and feeling it real until I felt IT WAS REAL and I actually had it. Then, I went on with my day.
Sometime later, I went to the bank and was walking out without the money in my purse. I felt vulnerable like someone could walk up and snatch the envelope from me. But, I could not fit it in my purse because my purse was too small.
As I was sitting next to the money and the purse in my car, I realized it. I had $6-8,000 and my purse. The money was unable to fit in my small purse. Next time, I am bringing my big purse! ha ha.

Manifested Money On My Dresser
One day, I was laying in my bed doing affirmations. I was saying things like, “I always get free money, money comes out the blue for me, and I have a lot of money”. I looked at my dresser and visualized money spread out on it. I did not put too much effort visualizing it on my dresser. I just saw it being there. Like, no big deal.
The next day, my husband was washing clothes. I noticed that it need to be switch to the drier, so I switched it. It dried, I took it out, and placed it on our bed to be folded. As we were folding it, I noticed money all throughout it. $5.00 and $1.00 bills.
I was teasing him saying, “Ooh, I found the money. It’s myyy money since I switched the load.” As I was saying this I was placing the money on my dresser. He said, “Bae, you can have it. It’s both our money, but you can have it.”
Later, laying in bed, I looked at my dresser and there it was… the affirmation vision picture of money on my dresser. Money came easy to me via the laundry. As a result, I manifested money on my dresser.

Manifested Money in My Cup Holder
Liz Hobby posted a post on Facebook asking a True or False a question. ” I Would rather have a wad of bills fill my cup holder than hot cup of coffee fill my cup holder?” I thought to myself, I would like a wad of bills fill my cup holder.
After seeing that post, I started the intention. Visualizing money BEING in my cup holder and saying to myself, “I have money in my cup holder”. I did not specify how much money. I just visualized money being there.
I visualized money being there on my way to work and on my way home from work. On the 2nd day, I was almost home and I had a quick thought to visualize the money again and feel it real. Paying no mind, I get home. As soon as I get home, my husband said we need to go pick up some money that was owed back to us. I was not thinking anything of it. I said, “Ok”.
While driving home from picking up the money, a song played on the radio about money in the cup holder. My husband started singing it. Then, it dawned on me. MONEY IN THE CUP HOLDER! I looked down and what did I see… MONEY IN THE CUP HOLDER!
So, 2 days later after seeing the FB post and visualizing money in my cup holder, I had the scene in my 3D reality.

Summing This All Up: How to Manifest Money
LOL, I like the pun in this heading, “Summing this all up”. Well, to find the common denominator in manifesting money, the sum total is Intentions, Affirmations, Visualizing, Watching money counting videos, and Believing It Is Already Yours.
I hope that I encouraged you today! You too, can manifest money. Start small if you have too. Once you get the hang of it, go bigger.
Try it! See what you can manifest. It’s fun!

- Join Liz Hobby’s Private Facebook group, “Neville Goddard Imaginal Acts become Facts When We Believe”.
2. Join my Facebook page, “Imagining Works, LLC”.
3. You can also join Imagining Works social media platform, ‘Live Feed Chat Room” right here on this website. You can ask questions and interact with like minded people or just read the posts.
Here is a practical exercise to help manifest money…

Are you ready?

Let’s count money!
Watch these videos as if it is you counting your money. I hope at least one of these videos resonates with you.
*** Watching it in wide screen and wearing ear buds or head phones of your choice is perfect for making it feel more vividly real.
This first video only plays on Youtube. The owner of the video will not allow embeding into other websites. Click this link. Counting 100k Dollars With 100 Bills | Using A Money Machine . I really like this one.
Now, watch these… remember to click the wide screen.
I hope you enjoyed that!
Don’t forget to join the manifesting groups that I posted above.
Thank you! Have a wonderful day!
Be a money magnet by always having money. It comes easy to you, you can visualize it, feel it, and hear it. It’s already in your imaginal presence. Just let it show up in your 3D.

You can Manifest money, Manifest money, Manifest money, Manifest money, Manifest money, Manifest money, Manifest money, Manifest money, Manifest money, Manifest money!!
You are Manifesting money!