About Imagining Works

imagining works, law of assumption

Hello, I am Melissa Hutchinson, owner of Imagining Works, LLC. I became a conscious creator of my life when I learned of Neville Goddard and the Law of Assumption. YouTube is where I just so happened to stumble upon him. Fascination took over me and I could not get enough. Intrigued, I read almost every book of his, watched his lectures, and put into practice what I learned immediately. Amazed, everything he taught has come true for me. Honestly, he literally changed my life and how I view things, now.

This Opened the Door

This opened the door to wanting to learn even more. So, I dove into Joseph Murphy, Joe Dispensa, and Florence Scovel Shinn. I also touched on parallel realities, reality trans-surfing, quantum physics, meditations, affirmations, and going within to talk to my higher self/God. This lead to my experiences expanding even more.

Teaching and Coaching at Imagining Works

I love teaching, specially, if I can help someone’s deepest desires to become their reality. I love to see people happy and not struggle. There is a solution and reason why the issues of life come up and I enjoy teaching others this way, the truth, and the life. It is actually freedom to know the cause of it all.

My Successes and Experiences

Furthermore, I love to share my personal experiences and my successes with the hope that it encourages someone enough to help them reach their desires. It is important to put all that you learn into practice right away. Neville Goddard speaks about the importance of putting what you learned into practice. It truly helps to achieve your goals. I have absolutely learned that imagination does create reality. Hence my business name, Imagining Works. Wink!

Are You Ready to Explore Imagining Works?

Do you want to learn more on imagining, law of assumption, or to change any of your circumstances?

Imagining Works, LLC. is a place to help you manifest your desires.

Check out my whole website, www.imaginingworks.com. Let me know what you think. I hope I can help you in any way.

Happy Manifesting your dreams!