Have you ever wanted someone to stand by your side no matter what? A person that will believe you and will not turn left or right from what you tell them? A person that will encourage you to stay on the course, remind you of the internal vision you have already placed upon yourself, and so loyal to you that they will go through the fire of doubts supporting you? Well, faith is that to you. The bible shows different interpretations of faith, but Neville Goddard explains faith in ways that is understood.
Here are the Bible Interpretations:
1. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
2. Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Neville Goddard Explains Faith in His Many Books this Way:
Neville Goddard says faith is a feeling of true belief in the unseen reality. A feeling of loyalty to your desired reality or state within you. It is you being loyal to the thoughts you have imagined. Truly, faith clings to those thoughts, carries you, and stands by you as you walk amidst the denials. It is the substance that completes or covers you giving you a knowing that YES, without a shadow of a doubt I have my desire. Clearly, it is the confidence in you believing the imaginal scene or thoughts you have imagined. Below, you will find quotes from his books about faith.
Quote From Neville Goddard Lecture “Creation = Faith” (1968)
“Faith is loyalty to the unseen reality”!
*Loyalty is behavior in which you stay firm in your friendship or support for someone or something. A strong feeling of support or allegiance. Standing in favor – not moving- loyalty till the end

Quote from Neville Goddard Lectures: “Faith” (1968)
“Faith does not give reality to things that are not seen. It is loyalty to reality that makes things appear. Can I see the facts the world sees and still believe in the unseen state? If I can remain loyal to the unseen state, in some way I will get confirmation of it.’
From what Neville is saying here, you must stay loyal to believing that your imaginal act or unseen state IS REALITY and will appear although on the outside it is not looking so. Staying loyal to that unseen state, it will appear and confirm itself.
Quotes from Neville Goddard, Freedom From All, Chapter 8 “Faith”
“Faith is the awareness of the reality of that which you assume, [a conviction of the reality of things which you do not see, the mental perception of the reality of the invisible].’
“Not “mixing with faith” means to deny the reality of that which you desire. Hence there is no “profit” (attainment) possible.”
“As already stated, righteousness is the consciousness of already being what you want to be.”
*Right standing is already being what you want to be. Standing firm in it.
What does Faith feel like?
“Faith is feeling or living in the consciousness of being the thing desired; faith is the secret of creation”
“Faith is the sense of feeling by which Isaac blessed and made real his son Jacob. By faith God (your consciousness) calleth things that are not seen as though they were and makes them seen.”
Although the world seems to look and feel the opposite of what you are seeing and feeling on the inside, the inside will eventually show out on the outside.
Your feelings will override the 3D reality more and more as the feeling becomes a natural part of you. The inside consciousness of being can not help but to show out and bless you. Just like Isaac blessed his son Jacob because he felt the hairy arm and assumed it was his first son. “It feels like my first born, it must be my first born… I will give him the blessing. 3D reality does the same. It will express and bless out the most natural dominate feeling.
“It is faith which enables you to become conscious of being the thing desired; again, it is faith which seals you in this conscious state until your invisible claim ripens to maturity and expresses itself, is made visible.”
“Faith or feeling is the secret of this appropriation. Through feeling, the consciousness desiring is joined to the thing desired.”

“Wear the mood, this feeling that would be yours if you were already that which you desire to be; and in a little while you will be sealed in the belief that you are. Then without effort this invisible state will objectify itself; the invisible will be made visible.”
A mustard seed knows he is a mustard seed.
“If you had the faith of a grain of mustard seed you would this day through the magical substance of feeling seal yourself in the consciousness of being that which you desire to be.”
Quotes from Neville Goddard’s “Your Faith Is Your Fortune”, Ch 12
“You shall become fixed in the belief that you are that which you desire to be. Before you have any visible proof that you are, you will, from the deep conviction which you have felt fixed within you, know that you are; and so, without waiting for the confirmation of your senses, you will cry, “It is finished” [John 19:30].”
“Then, with a faith born of the knowledge of this changeless law, you will be as one dead and entombed; you will be still and unmoved in your conviction and confident that you will resurrect the qualities that you have fixed and are feeling within you.”
Keep on PERSEVERING in this state until it manifests.
To sum it up, faith is loyal to the unseen state or reality. Faith is the confident feeling of knowing that you will manifest your desire. Nothing will sway you otherwise. Indeed, it is the feeling of truth within you. It is the virtue or qualities tested within. Undeniably, faith says with certain feeling, I AM THAT I AM. Faith is being loyal to the belief of the imaginal scene, thoughts you have created, and the state of being all the way till it manifests in your outside world.

Faith believes and is loyal to the unseen imaginal state or reality within you. It carries this imaginal act to its finish line claiming I am that I am.
For further understanding on Faith biblically read, Bible Tools, “What the Bible says about Faith as the Substance of Things Hoped for” (From Forerunner Commentary)
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